

This page is a collection of Michael’s articles, newsletters, sources of inspiration and posts. These are offered to you as educational material and practical tips for health and wellbeing in everyday life.

Energy levels – Whats your measure?

Health and wellbeing are a manifestation of vitality. I evaluate my clients’ vitality, in great part, through their energy levels. It is essential that we all become accustomed to tracking our own energy levels. The calibrations of one’s levels act as a pilot light to the efficiency and functionality of many essential metabolic processes. Think [...]

By |June 18th, 2016|Uncategorized|

Stress: Relief and Resolution – combining Acupuncture and Counselling

Stress – a persistent stalker, a measure of our need to adapt to change, to the unfamiliar, the unexpected, the undesirable. It can stem from our relationships, illness, emotional turmoil, accidents, unforeseen events, and can be sponsored by a lack of physical activity and poor dietary choices. Ongoing stress of an emotional or mental nature [...]

By |April 14th, 2016|Uncategorized|

Matters of the Heart

Happy Valentines Day, a day of sharing heartfelt sentiments and wishes, through many means: hugs, kisses, words, flowers, champers, chocolates, or balloons! It gave me the idea of devoting this newsletter to the Heart. The Heart Qi is the key to one's overall well-being and disposition. In the words of a 6th century philosopher Liu [...]

By |February 13th, 2016|Uncategorized|

Self-Care in The Year of The Sheep

Warm Easter Greetings to You All. I know, I know..........the passage of time....fleeting, inexorable.. Thus we find ourselves plummeting headlong into the Year of the Sheep. But no matter how quickly time passes, we must find ways to care for and preserve ourselves. According to an article I read recently, 2015 involves an energetic movement [...]

By |April 15th, 2015|Uncategorized|

Michael’s ‘No Stone Unturned’ Blog: Energy Levels

Low Energy States – Living in the Doldrums Low energy states are important to solve as they are the initial slide down a slippery slope toward chronic health problems. The body is under-functioning and operating inefficiently, similar to a car engine that hasn’t been tuned for a long time. It has  lost its ability to [...]

By |September 26th, 2014|Uncategorized|

Spring 2014 Newsletter – Whats Love got to do with it? Love & Relationships

Greetings Everyone, Isn't Spring in the subtropics a wonderful time? As an enthusiastic organic vegetable and herb gardener I am always amazed by the  accelerated growth and burgeoning harvests of Spring. Since I last published my newsletter, I have added a large number of clinic blog articles to my website. There are articles on Counselling [...]

By |September 14th, 2014|Uncategorized|
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