Michael now has Medibank Private and BUPA Provider Numbers for his services, and is able to provide rebated counselling sessions, if you are with these funds.

More provider numbers for other health funds are only weeks away. These will cover members of:

AHM, Phoenix Health, St Luke’s Health, Police Health Fund and Emergency Services Health.

Currently appointments with psychologists are difficult to secure, so begin your journey to better mental health today, through professional and caring counselling with Michael.Michael Finn


Michael’s practice focuses on:

Dealing with Loss and Grief: the price of love and the gradual letting go

Bereavement: a time we don’t like to think about

Experiences of Anxiety: too much thinking ahead; low confidence

Loneliness and Disconnection: Our desire to belong

Couples: relationship dynamics and intimacy matters; where we get stuck

Depression: when one’s spirit is ‘pressed’ down

Relationships: starting, sustaining, or ending in the best way possible

Communication problems: new ways of having difficult conversations

The Inner Life: opening up to feelings and exploring their meanings

Stress-related conditions and chronic pain: managing discomfort and ill health

Poor sleep patterns: key to good health

Ageing well: navigating changes in identity and roles over a lifetime

Wife supporting husband in therapy

Practice Contact and Information:
Michael – 0411537394 / Bardon Counselling Centre: 07 3368 1300
Website: www.michaelfinnhealthservices.com.au